Thursday, July 23, 2015

Window Mosaic out of DVD's :)

Hi there just wanted to blog about my window I did :) 

Yes I made it out of DVD's! 

First I looked up a temp-let on line, found one that I liked then I cut the dvd in half and then pulled apart the shinny verses the clear plastic then I cut it to the shape of the picture...
 I then taped the picture to the opposite side of the window the traced it this a sharpie, and traced a border... I made one like the glass on my front door and added triangles in the corner...

I used a non-leaded stain glass stuff I got from Goodwill! But I believe you can just use Elmer's glue with black acrylic paint mix into it... I glued on my pieces (before you do that you need to put a clear coat on the DVD or the shinny part will rub off) Then I traced over my lines and Ta Da! Stained glass window!